Resource Planning & Revenue Analytics
Locational Resource Planning
PowerRunner’s micro forecasting and analytics allows system planners to consider the locational effects dynamic loads have on resource planning.
Understand the impact of distributed energy resources, demand response programs and changing consumer habits on resource planning
Evaluate the impact of load and generation growth and DER penetration on all distribution system assets
Dynamically model local resource requirements based upon actual historical and forecasted load, as well as any DER data for each local circuit
Rate and Revenue Analytics
Use PowerRunner to support cost of service studies and rate case development.
Develop new and innovative rate structures that represent the true cost of service to all customer classes.
Model new rate structures with historical and forecasted service point data to:
Analyze impact of new rates on each rate class
Evaluate cost of service for new rider
Appropriately price ancillary services
Combine service point usage data, and billing determinant charges, to develop a line item by line item breakdown of charges for each service point per rate class.
Distributed Energy Resource Integration
Our Predictive Analytics solution provides DSOs with load and generation forecast data for every asset on the distribution system to support operational decision support management generation forecasts on every system asset.
PowerRunner can help Distribution System Operators physically integrate intermittent assets while maintaining system fidelity.Aggregate asset forecasts by circuit, substation, or other spatial attributes to analyze the impacts of DER assets on other local system assets
PowerRunner delivers near-real time net load and generation data for each DER asset.
Unbilled Energy
PowerRunner can carry out detailed analysis of intra month unbilled revenue reduce to unbilled energy estimation error and revenue restatements.
Significantly reduce unbilled energy estimation error and revenue restatements by dynamically calculating the Unbilled Energy within any given time period.
Replace highly manual, tedious and error prone process of reconciling monthly revenues by using our automated product offering.
On demand daily vs. monthly reconciliation of unbilled energy revenue provides greater confidence in revenue projections.